
The process behind a great Outdoor Fitness Area

A lot of time and effort goes into the creation of a new outdoor exercise area for communities to enjoy, and it starts a long way back upstream from where and when you see the finished result.

We’ve developed in our team a careful approach to ensure we can join you on that journey, anywhere along the way, and assist you in getting the best possible outcome.

Here’s how we do it:


We understand. Sometimes you just want to talk with somebody. You can spend what seems like an eternity researching your subject online and at the end… you just want to talk with somebody.

The dedicated team of experienced outdoor fitness designers and community outdoor area aficionados at the UrbanFiT office is brimming with ideas, but more importantly just ready to help…

The ideas will come forward when you need them.

Talk to us and see.


During the early planning phase of your new play area or outdoor recreation space we can get together with you and your team (if you have one) to map out the best way to approach the project.

This might involve a site visit or just a brainstorming session around a table.

After this phase of the process we will have a clear idea of the desired outcome of the project so we can get our design team laser focused on getting you what you want.



The next step is to get all those great ideas and use them as a foundation for the design of your new fitness area.

The available space, the number of people expected to visit, the aspect of the site in relation to sunlight, any special requests and unique factors are all taken into consideration during the design phase.

Your UrbanFiT Design Consultant works with our resourceful CAD and Imagination Team to get some seriously impressive designs together for you to review and comment on.

Then we ask for your feedback and make any adjustments or improvements until it’s just right. The design is presented in full colour 3D imagery so you can get excited about it and get your team excited too.

Then we’re ready to go to manufacturing…


Manufacturing outdoor fitness equipment is complex. Getting it exactly right is an imperative. There are many different processes involved in sustainable manufacturing of global quality fitness equipment and we show a few of the main processes here.

Every product has to meet our demanding quality control checkpoints and be fully compliant with the relevant Australian Safety Standards at final installation. It’s not a simple process or for the faint of heart, but we do it every day.

All of these processes are done on site at our Wollongong factory.

Metal Fabrication

Our metal manufacturing is all done by the talented metal craftspeople in our Metal Fabrication workshop. They take the products from tubes of stainless steel and create the products you see.



One of the key ingredients to a long lasting playground is the final coating of the finished product. For us to have total control over this process gives you an incredible advantage when you buy UrbanFiT products.

It literally means we can provide you with end to end accountability for the whole manufacturing process.

It means when we extend a warranty to you we know what has gone into the manufacture of the whole product and can stand behind the warranty with absolute confidence that you are getting what you paid for.



Before the fitness kits are shipped many components are pre-assembled by our professional building team. It’s done right here in our own factory.

Full visibility of this part of the process gives a guaranteed great finish to a complex process.


Careful and professional installation is critical for a great outcome with your project. All of our installers are certified UrbanFiT Service Team members and know how to deliver a great installation experience for you.

UrbanFiT outdoor fitness areas are made to last for years, helping communities to stay fit and healthy, and enjoy the outdoors. 

Contact the Moduplay Group